Monday, August 3, 2015

Three Career Paths (Social worker, Teacher, Youth Counselor)

When asked what career path I will take when I graduated, the one thing that has been constant in my response is that I what to work with children. There are many careers that specialize in dealing with children or teenagers. In my younger years I wanted to be a doctor, but as I grew older I realized one thing I do not like blood or needles, so that eliminated that career path. So I started researching careers not just a job, A job is something that you do to earn money on a short term bases, whereas a career is a lifetime ambition that you achieve. So I search careers that work with children and discovered that there are three that really interest me: Social Worker, Teacher, and Youth Counselor.
Each Career path that I have chosen have many of the same quality but is actually different aspect of dealing with young people.

Youth Conselor

A youth counselor supervise and interact with children or teenagers by assisting them in resolving problems and ensuring their physical and emotional needs are being met. To be a youth counselor I must attain a Bachelor's Degree in applied psychology with a concentration in child advocacy. The skills needed to be a successful youth counselor is communication skills, organization skills, multitasking skills, technology skills, listening skills, writing skills, and the ability to work under pressure. What interest me in this field is that I will being working at helping children/teenagers to heal from emotion and physical problems. Being a youth counselor is a non stop job the requires a lot of time and patient, a counselor must be neutral and emotionally unattached, yet still show apathy and consideration.

All three are very good careers to chose, each have the things that I am looking for in the career that I want to pursue. I think that all three are noble careers and is for the betterment of children.




A teacher responsibility is to teach children, in some cases the teach covers many subjects (elementary school) in other cases a teach is focus on one subject. However teaching is just part of what a teacher is responsible for, they must also mange time, develop activities and manage student ware fare within the class. To be a teacher I must attain a Bachelor's Degree or Master's Degree in Education. The skills that are needed to become a successful teacher is communication skills, interpersonal skills, collaborative skills, creativity and presentational skills and technology skills. What interest me in this field is the responsibility of guiding a student with education to reach their full potential. Being able to introduce students to knowledge and helping them to attain that knowledge is a rewarding and fulfilling aspect of being a teacher.

Social worker

A social worker provides social services and assistance to improve the social and psychological functioning of children and their families and to maximize the family well-being and the academic functioning of children. To be a social working I must attain a bachelor's degree in social work, I can also attain a master's and a doctorate degree in social work. There are many skills that I must posses in order to become a successful social worker such as communication skills, empathy, active listener, and organizational skills etc. What interest me in this field is that I will get the opportunity to work with children and help them and their families to get the help that they may need in order to achieve their goals in life.